Summer Short-Term Mission Trip to Puerto Rico
July 23-July 30, 2022
Open to ALL ABC-MI Churches
"Here am I, Lord. Send Me."
Location: Puerto Rico, Caribbean
Dates: July 23-July 30, 2022
Activities: General construction, clean up, and rebuild from the hurricanes and flooding that occurred the last few years. Community Outreach. *Everyone is welcome no matter your experience.
(thanks to the generous support of the Region underwriting the cost)
$100 deposit due by May 1, 2022
Contact: or call 734.834.3886
Anyone interested in joining the 2022 Michigan Servants for Christ Puerto Rico Mission Team should contact the Region Mission Consultant, Lynne Punnett via e-mail at or call 734.834.3886. Commitment by team members with deposit is needed by May 1 with final payment due by June 1.
The Team will depart from Detroit on Saturday July 23, worship in PR on Sunday, work Monday through Friday and fly home Saturday July 30.
With a 94% vaccination rate in Puerto Rico and striving to respect the culture and customs of our hosts and the island, members of the team will be required to show proof of vaccination, receive a negative COVID test just prior to departure and at this time, it is expected that wearing of masks will be required in many situations. All team members will also be required to participate in a virtual training hosted by ABHMS. The recommended age for team members is 16 with no upper age limit.