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ABC Annual Offerings

These are the five offerings that ABC supports throughout the year.  If you click on the image it will bring you to the ABC-USA website where you and your church can access resources for your church bulletin as well as videos that can be used for your churches announcements and website!  

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The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering is a long-standing tradition established in 1977 which supports ministers, missionaries, and their widowed spouses who have devoted 15 or more years of their lives to service in ABCUSA.

Promoted in December.

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One Great Hour of Sharing is administered by the World Relief Committee of the Board of General Ministries of American Baptist Churches USA.  The committee facilitates American Baptist emergency relief disaster rehabilitation, refugee work and development assistance.

Promoted in June.

Your gifts to the America for Christ Offering impact thousands-through ministries with marginalized children, mission trips that transform lives torn asunder by hurricanes, resources that cultivate Christian leaders, chaplains who bring comfort to hospitals and nursing homes, and much more.  Promoted in March.


Every September and October, congregations come together for a time of awareness, advocacy and action for global mission.  Churches across the country celebrate and support the ministries that God is using to transform the world. 

This is the World Mission Offering

Promoted in October.


American Baptists have always been a people of mission; mission is in our DNA.  Our United Mission contributions give concrete expression to this impulse and help us to be the hands and feet of Christ-from the local congregation to all parts of the world.  It is through UM,  our one family offering, that each giver is able to participate in the total ministry of our American Baptist family.


The Region Offering stays local and all donations you make are used to support ministry and missions in American Baptist Churches of Michigan.

Promoted in May.

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4578 Hagadorn Rd,

East Lansing, MI 48823

American Baptist Churches of Michigan 2021 ©

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