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Send Me Saturday 2022
Pick your Saturday in October
Your church. Your mission. together.
Isaiah 6:8 says, "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Send Me Saturday is centered around the idea that we are called by God to go and be his ambassadors. Each year we are giving our region churches the opportunity to send out their congregations to share the message of love by serving local communities. Churches will be receiving more information in the coming weeks. It is up to our churches to choose whether or not they will participate. The churches that choose to participate will be coordinating their Send Me Saturday serving event.
Preparation checklist for Send Me Saturday:
Step 1. Identify your point person.
Each church will designate a coordinator and event leader.
Step 2. Identify your ministry initiative.
Your church will be doing it's own unique service project.
Step 3. Recruit volunteers.
Invite your friends, family, and coworkers to join you in serving your community.
Step 4. Go!
You are ready to join your church for Send Me Saturday!
*Send pictures and videos of your Send Me Saturday to Shelly Powers at
Pick your Saturday
Your Church.
Your Mission.
Church Resources
Tshirt Order Info
2020 Send Me Saturday
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